The Great American Pin-Up Martignette, Meisel

The Great American Pin-Up - Martignette, Meisel
Автор: Martignette Charles G., Meisel Louis K.
Издательство: Taschen, 2011 г.
Жанр: Литература на немецком языке и др.
  • Выпускающий редактор: Арист Никон Игнатьевич
  • Главный художник: Фанов Парфён Алексеевич
  • Корректор: Таганкин Ларион Феофанович
  • Объем: 497
  • Формат: fb2, pdf,txt

О книге "The Great American Pin-Up"
Pictures from an age when eroticism was still innocent
They've been exciting generations of men, on calendars and covers, as centrefolds or even on playing cards: pin-ups. What started as an exercise in oils was soon taken up in various media - pin-up mascots graced the fuselages of American fighters, and became an essential feature of the male world of garages and barracks. And the age of political correctness hasn't ended their appeal.
This book tells the tale of a genre as utterly American as the paintings of Edward Hopper, describing its origins and development in detail and showcasing the most important artists. With over 500 illustrations, The Great American Pin-Up is a comprehensive studies of the genre. Читать книгу бесплатно The Great American Pin-Up Martignette, Meisel.

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  • The Great American Pin-Up Martignette, Meisel

  • The Great American Pin-Up Martignette, Meisel
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