About a Boy Nick Hornby

About a Boy - Nick Hornby
Автор: Хорнби Ник
Издательство: Penguin, 2014 г.
Выпускающий редактор: Зейгарник Нестор Брониславович
Главный художник: Косматых Никита Владленович
Оформитель: Дренин Артемий Олегович
Кол-во страниц: 359
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

О книге "About a Boy"
Nick Hornby's second bestselling novel is about sex, manliness and fatherhood. Will is thirty-six, comfortable and child-free. And he's discovered a brilliant new way of meeting women - through single-parent groups. Marcus is twelve and a little bitnerdish: he's got the kind of mother who made him listen to Joni Mitchell rather than Nirvana. Perhaps they can help each other out a little bit, and both can start to act their age. Электронная книга About a Boy Nick Hornby.

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